What's Your Risk For Skin Cancer?

Risk Factor Quiz

Exposure to the ultraviolet radiation of the sun is the most important fact in determining a person's risk of skin cancer. Past sunburns, sun exposure at young ages, genetics and immune system deficiencies may also play a part. This quiz can help determine your risk for developing skin cancer. After you add up your total points, match your score with those noted below to find your risk level.

____ Hair Color Blond/Red = 4, Brown = 3, Black = 1
____ Eye Color Blue/Green = 4, Hazel = 3, Brown = 2
____ Where is your job? Outdoors = 4, Mixed = 3, Indoors = 2
____ When exposed to one hour of summer sun, you: Burn and sometimes blister = 4, 
Burn then tan = 3, Tan = 1
____ Do you have freckles? Many = 5, Some = 3, None = 1
____ Has anyone in your family had skin cancer? Yes = 5, No = 1
____ Where in the U.S. did you live most before the age of 18? South = 4, Midwest = 3, North = 2

Risk Levels

  • 10 - 15 points . . . Below average risk
  • 16 - 22 points . . . Average risk
  • 23 - 25 points . . . High risk
  • 26 - 30 points . . . Very high risk

People with the following characteristics have the highest risk for skin cancer:

  • Fair complexions that burn or blister easily
  • Blond or red hair
  • Blue, green or gray eyes
  • Excessive sun exposure during childhood and teen years, blistering and sunburns before age 20
  • Family history of skin cancer
  • More than 100 moles; 50 if you are under age 20

DISCLAIMER: The information provided by this site is intended solely for educational purposes. This information is not to be used for medical diagnostic purposes and is not intended to serve as a recommendation for treatment and/or management of any medical/surgical condition. Most of all, this information should not be used in place of a physician or other qualified health provider. If you believe you have a medical condition, please contact your physician immediately.

Love them, Mario is awesome, helped my hubby with cancer and is helping me with a rare disease called erythromelalgia... I would recommend him to anyone that needs a great doctor who listens and cares!!!!

— Dana M B

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